Decoy Ducks-N-Antique Stuff
Last update 11/12/24
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Buying and Selling a Wide Variety of Decoys, Old Sporting Collectibles and Antiques
Buying and Selling a Wide Variety of Decoys, Old Sporting Collectibles and Antiques

Founded by William Rigsbee, Decoy Ducks-N-Antique Stuff is backed with 45 years of experience in buying & selling a wide range of antiques and sporting collectibles.
Decoy Ducks-N-Antique stuff offers quality affordable antique decoys, miscellaneous sporting, hunting and fishing collectibles, including duck calls, old fishing lures, spearing decoys, shell boxes, powder cans, gun oil cans, sporting books, gun and ammunition company advertising by Winchester, Peters, Remington, Federal, Robin Hood, Western, Robin Hood, Hazard Powder Co., Austin Powder Co., folk art and original oil paintings and a general line of antiques and collectibles including furniture, toys, pottery, advertising, old books, Red Wing stoneware, primitives, glassware, Indian artifacts beadwork and rugs. .Everything we sell has an absolute GUARANTEE to be exactly as described. Money Back if not fully satisfied. Feel free to contact Bill if you are looking for something in particular or if you would like additional information or extra photos of anything listed in this site.
Call Bill today at 952-412-3751 or email
Contact Decoy Ducks-N-Antique stuff for all your collecting needs. Bill is available for consultation-evaluation and auction representation. After 40 years of dealing in all aspects of the antique business, Bill is fully qualified to professionally appraise your collection for estate and insurance evaluations. We can do on site or photo appraisals of most any antique and sporting collectible item.
Consignments and PURCHASES: We are always looking for quality items for purchase or will be willing to sell your item on consignment. Some of the things we are looking for are all old hunting and fishing items, including ALL duck, goose, shore bird, crow, and owl decoys, advertising including posters & calendars, die cuts & signs, pin backs, shell boxes, duck, goose, turkey and crow calls, knives of all kinds including large bowie knives and Marbles MSA knives, Ducks Unlimited items including duck a nikle cans, old gun books and manuals, outdoor magazines, traps and related items, fishing lures, fish decoys and spears, reels, old sporting equipment, primitives, folk art, original art work, painted furniture, Indian beadwork, rugs and arrowheads, salt glaze stoneware, Redwing, quality pottery.
Thank You for visiting and check back often as I will be frequently updating and adding to this site as I acquire new quality decoys or related items. Below is a list of many of the makers and carvers that I will be handling..
Acme Folding Decoy, Fred Allen, Ariduk, Armstrong, Ken Anger, Anderson, Animal Trap (Victor company) Barnhart, George Boyd, Bach, Bartlett, Bergman, Birdsall, Benz, Blair, Bourg, Burgess, Barnard, Bernet, Stacy Bryanton, Bliss, Barr, Barto, Boyd, Boutin, Barrett, Cassini, Canvas Decoy Company, Chadwick, Scott Cork Decoy Co., Conklin, Chambers, Carry-Lite, Coudon, Crandell, Crawford, Cuffee, Chrysler, Chris Craft Boat Company, Cooper, Crowell, Dolson, DeCou, Dalton, Dettman, Dilley, Denny, Discher, Doren, Down East, Dodge, DeRoevan, Danz, Decoys Unlimited, Ellis, Robert Elliston, Evans, Iver Fernlund, Faue, Joseph Gigl, Bert Graves, Gundlefinger, Gromme, Grubbs, Hayes, Hoosier, Horner, Homme, Holly, Hanson, Ira Hudson, Herters, Holmes, N.C. Hansen, Howell, Houser, Holly, Harris, Hart, Heron Lake, Jester, Janner, Johnson, Jansen, Bob Kerr, Kempinger, Lafrance, Laing, Lipke, Steven Lane, Laboeuf, Lashbrook, Joseph Lincoln, William Lohrman, Walter Lowery, LaCrosse Fish, LeFever, Ralph Malpage, John Lundgren, Moes, Marr, Morris Boat Works, Mason, McCalpin, Minnesota Rubber Duck Co., McGaw, Mizera, Madison Mitchell, Otto Mitsch, Gus Moak, Madera, Gus Nelow, New Jersey, Ohio Decoys, Ohnmacht, Oliveros, Palovich, Peterson, Perdew, Padco, Paw Paw Bait Co., Peterborough Canoe Co., Pepper, Pratt, Pringle, Pirnie, Oscar Quam, Quillen, Reghi, Frank Resop, Reindahl, Donnie Reid, Al Ries, Rathmello, J. W. Reynolds, Walter Ruppel, Reeves, Rose Folding Decoy, Rothe, Russell, Ben Schmidt, Seiger, Sawyer, Shurts, St. Clair Flats, Stoner, Seymour, Sibley, Snow, Sperry, Strey, Stevens, George Soule, Soules & Swisher, Strater & Sohier, Schweikhart, Shourds, Sterling, Shorebirds, Tyler, Tule Lake Decoy Co., Tuveson, Tax, Tru-Dux, Updike, Verity, Volker, Ward Brothers, Warin, Watson, Weeks, Wells, Wheeler, Whittington, Wilcoxen, Wisconsin Decoys, Ward, Weir, Wildfowler, , C.V. Wells